About GSP

Gopabandhu Seva Parisad(GSP) came into existence in the year 1999-2000. A group of social workers, having a similar mindset and ideology started this. These people were actively working with different professional Organisations/ groups in different parts of Odisha. The motivation was to respond the local needs in an effective way, so as to justify optimum degree of achievements and results with satisfying levels of performance. It was somehow not possible, while working sporadically in different groups.

In the initial 3-4 years, our activities were more focussed on responding the ‘disasters’ in the costal districts of Odisha. At the same time the other thrust area was to build the capacity of the community on Risk Reduction aspects. We also have involved in issues related to DRR with State processes.

By the end of year 2005, GSP has already developed its volunteer bases in different parts of Odisha, started operating on its thematic areas and expertise. We have started operating with ‘empowerment’ and ‘right based approach’ to issues. Sustainable eco-system development, conservation of bio-diversity, building capacity of the communities were some of the common agendas for us in all our operational areas and focus group.

By the end of 2010, our activities were more streamlined and professional. By that time our work has already been expended to other parts of Odisha, with diversified clientele groups. We also have involved in different local as well as national level study and research activities on our core thematic areas.